Hara Womb and Abdominal Massage Therapy
First Appointment 2 hours - £70.00 / Follow up appointment 60 mins - £50.00
( with the 13th Womb Rite of the Munay-Ki - £6.00 add 15 mins to treatment time)
Hara Massage combines womb space and abdominal massage with energy healing and reflexology to nurture womb and hormonal health, support digestion and detoxification, and unravel tension from the body. It also calms your nervous system, brings nourishing blood to the physical areas of the womb space and pelvis and re-establishes vital energy to the chakras known as Chi/Qi.
Womb Hara can assist with menstrual cycle concerns, fertility and conception support, postpartum care, perimenopause and menopause symptoms, digestive health, healing after miscarriage or abortion, connection to your womb and more.
Inspired by the traditional/ancient techniques of indigenous medicine from around the world, Hara Therapy is a therapeutic form of bodywork that is rooted in centuries-old, indigenous medicine called Sobada de Matriz, which is passed down from mother to daughter. Hara Therapy is a ritual therapy massage of the womb and/or womb space, pelvis and abdomen that helps with many women’s health conditions by using traditional reproductive healing techniques to gently guide the reproductive organs, such as the womb and ovaries back into place. The massage uses the same techniques as other womb and abdominal therapies such as Mayan, Mizan and Arvigo Therapy
The womb has two physical roles, either to grow a baby or to clean herself. If the supporting ligaments and fascia become distorted, contracted or lose elasticity, the womb can easily slip out of her correct alignment, impacting on the circulation of arterial blood, Venus return, lymph, nerves and Qi.
In addition to the physical roles of the womb, it is also the centre for emotional storage. It is an emotional storage centre where everything is kept until we decide to work with our womb. Through this process, clients are often able to release trauma and emotions, during a therapy I hold space for this to happen during your treatment.
The uterus is held in place by muscles and ligaments that can become contracted or over-stretched, allowing the womb to move out of her optimum position. This misalignment can lead to many varied symptoms. Hara Therapy strengthens the ligaments, allowing them to heal and as they do so, guiding the womb/uterus back into her centre. The therapy is a gentle but effective way of massaging the abdomen to improve the flow of circulatory fluids of the blood, lymph and nervous systems to strengthen the muscles and ligaments that hold the internal organs in their optimum positions. Hara Therapy relieves congestion and helps to remove blockages to stimulate physical and emotional health and well-being.
Hara Therapy can help ALL women to feel better hormonally and physically at any stage of life.
There are specific conditions which can be treated include:
Heavy periods
Irregular periods
Problems conceiving
Fibroids, polyps
Bowel and bladder issues
Pelvic misalignment
Perimenopause and menopause symptoms
Post abdominal surgery (min 3 months post surgery / after approval from your primary care provider)
Post partial or full hysterotomy (min 3 months post surgery / after approval from your primary care provider)
Post-natal and post caesarean healing
Digestive disorders, IBS, constipation
Please allow 2 hours for the first treatment. The first session includes a detailed consultation, from the previously completed medical form emailed before your appointment. You will have the time and space to discuss your health, diet and lifestyle and also to share what has been going on for you, this is so I can gain a better understand your personal situation. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, we will work together to try to establish the root cause as this can be an important part of your healing journey. You will be asked if you would like to set an intention for the session and if you have anything you would like to work on and / or let go.
Following your consultation, I will ask you to undress down to your underwear, if you feel comfortable of course, this can be adapted for those who would prefer to remain clothes. You will lie down on my comfy heated therapy bed and receive a nourishing castor oil pack over the womb, with warming heat packs, castor oil offers many health benefits such as reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system, improving digestion and liver function and has a calming effect on the nervous system. There is time for meditation if you so wish.
The treatment starts on your feet with a reflexology treatment focusing on specific points of the pelvic area and reproductive organs. Using a specially blended warming Organic Womb Oil I will then move on to the deep abdominal massage of the womb/cervix, pelvis and lower back areas. By using special technique, I locate your womb and see where it is aligning, some wombs lie off centre or fall into the bladder or bowl area, the massage helps to gently set the body up for a natural realignment so that the three sisters (womb, bladder and bowl) are better positioned. Gentle lymphatic drainage on the front of the legs with pelvic alignment work completes the massage part of the therapy.
Once the treatment is complete I will leave you on the bed for a few minutes to prepare a herbal tea. We will have a brief overview and discuss aftercare advice as this can be an important part of the treatment. Depending on the individual I may bring in some Chakra healing, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, Acupuncture or The Emotion Code to release any trapped emotions within your system as our womb centre and our emotions are intrinsically interwoven. We will discuss this during your consultation as it vary depending on where you are at, the person and the treatment.
Hara Womb and Abdominal Therapy can not be carried out if:
There is a possibility of pregnancy
You are pregnant
You are due any abdominal surgery
There is active pelvic or abdominal cancer
There is active pelvic or abdominal infection
You are undergoing IVF
You are within 6 weeks after surgery, permission much be sought by your healthcare provider prior to booking
Hara Therapy will be adapted if you:
Are on your period
Have an IUD fitted
If the above apply, the abdominal massage can be carried out but the womb will be omitted from treatment.
I must be notified prior to your appointment of the above contra-indications or contra-actions.
Rebozo Postpartum Massage
& Closing the Bones
60 mins £43.00 (Womb Massage, Rebozo Massage and Wrapping)
2 hours - £70.00 (With Ceremony, 13th Womb Rite, Sound and Chakra Healing)
(POA for home visits)
Given the tremendous changes a mother’s body goes through during pregnancy and birth, it is perhaps not surprising that cultures around the world have in common some kind of bodywork to rebalance and restore the new mother. This specific kind of bodywork was designed to help speed up and enhance the healing process and changes that the new mother’s body undergoes after her baby has been born.
During pregnancy, the whole body undergoes remarkable transformations: The uterus grows from the size of a pear to that of a watermelon, the pelvis tilts forwards and the curve of the spine increase, in addition the muscles and ligaments around the belly stretch and grow. The organs inside her abdominal cavity get pushed up to accommodate the growing baby. During birth, the uterus, pelvis, pelvic floor and vagina open and stretch to allow the birth of the baby then after the baby is born, the body has to undergo all those changes in reverse. The female body has a lot to do following the birth of a baby such as hormonal changes, and the beginning of lactation. In our modern world we no longer have any process in place in the West to ensure that all the bones, joints, soft tissues and organs have gone back in an optimal position unlike in many cultures where this is a vital part of the post natal process.
Rebozo Massage is a sacred Closing The Bones ceremonial therapy which is designed to help return a mother to her centre. This special massage is traditionally carried out 24 hours after the mother has given birth by the women in her community, this nourishes the mother and helps to gently encourage lose ligaments, tendons and myofascial to close correctly following the demands of pregnancy and childbirth. Still practised in many cultures in the Far East, Africa and Southern and Central America this massage in carried out everyday along with a supply of nourishing food and help around the home. On a physical level, the gentle rocking and wrapping also helps healing by providing movement in the joints, muscles, tissues and fluids. On an emotional level it provides much needed space to simply rest and be and be held, as well as for emotions to be honoured, witnessed and released. On a energetic and spiritual level it can provide closure, calm the nerves system and offer a space to bring things to a close.
What can the therapy help with?
Painful and irregular menstrual cycles
• Hormonal imbalances
• Miscarriages and difficult pregnancies
• Fertility Problems
• PMS/ Depression prior to menstruation
• Fibrosis
• Migraines
• Bloating
• Pre and Post menopause symptoms
• Ovarian and breast cysts
• Stomach Cramps
• Digestive disorders
• Sexual Trauma
• Stress
• Childhood Traumas
• Held in emotions
When can the massage be given?
Rebozo Massage and wrapping can be given from as little as 24 hours after giving birth
Where is the massage carried out?
Either on my treatment couch if being received at The Natural Therapy Centre, on on a comfortable mat on the floor within the home environment.
Are there any contraindications?
It is advisable to wait until a caesarean section scar has healed and after any post operative infection has cleared. If you are pregnant or have a coil fit please let me know so the massage can be adapted.
Please wear leggings or joggers and a top which will allow movement.