card readings
approx. 40 mins - £25.00
I offer different types of readings depending on what you need at that particular time. Readings can include timelines, guidance around a particular situation or decision to be made, seasonal readings, messages from your higher self and the energies around you. My decks include the Light Seers tarot and a range of oracle cards to give you an in depth reading. Your reading can either be remotely and recorded to be sent via WhatsApp or you can book an in person reading if preferred,
Celestial Light Healing
60 mins £41.00
According to mystical belief, the sacred light is the halo which surrounds certain visions of a divine nature such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, the Angels, Divine Masters and other energies who work from a place of love and light for the highest good of all mankind, this light is also referred to as the divine radiance.
During a Celestial Light Healing session, you will be taken on a journey of exploration and healing through the therapy, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (BDCST). Resting my hands gently onto specific cranial bones allows me to listen in to your nervous system to see where you are at, are you in an overall calm state, or is your nervous system overactive and reactive. Once my hands are placed onto your cranium you will start to relax in to a quiet internal space of reflection, I can then ‘tune in’ to your higher self through my energetic field, through the process of psychometry.
Within a Celestial Light Healing session, you may permit me access to your Akashic Records to bring forward information which you may need to know in this life, close off any Karmic (action) contracts, release any trapped emotions and bring forward any messages or information on past life which are to help your soul evolve, sometimes loved ones in this or the afterlife may bring forward messages of healing.
Following a session you will leave with feedback and written notes and the opportunity to pick an oracle of tarot card.
* I cannot offer CLH if your are struggling with a serious mental health episode, under the influence of strong medication or are not well.
The Emotion Code
60 mins - £41.00 (combined with cranial sacral therapy or reflexology)
The Emotion Code Therapy is the simplest, easiest and fastest method ever devised for a Practitioner to find emotional baggage (using dowsing) and trapped emotions and release it, either from yourself or from someone else, usually passed down ancestrally through the maternal line.
Our emotional baggage consists of actual energies, the energies of intense emotional events that we’ve experienced that are still stuck in our physical bodies as we may now have had the maturity or tools at the time to fully process these emotions, you may have gone from one stressful event straight into another, the event may have been too overwhelming to process at the time or it may simply be an inherited emotion.
With just one session you can remove so many trapped emotions that an instant result is very often noticed, although from my experience 3 to 5 trapped emotions are usually enough in one session to process. You do not have to tell me your life story so revisiting painful memories will not be necessary. I like to complete a session with cranial sacral therapy as it is a wonderful therapy to help this healing process take place.